About Me

2023 - Present


Department of Mathematics "Giuseppe Peano", Turin

I'm currently a Ph.D student in Modeling & Data Science.

2020 - 2023


Department of Computer Science, Turin

In April 2023, I completed my Master's degree in Computer Science at UniTO, graduating with 110/110, honors and receiving a recommendation for publication based on my thesis work.

2017 - 2020


Department of Computer Science, Turin

After graduating from Vasco-Beccaria-Govone Scientific High School in 2017, I enrolled at the University of Turin and completed my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science three years later, graduating with 110/110 and honors.

My Works

During my graduate studies, I completed several projects, some of which, I would like to highlight. Coding projects can be found on my GitHub account.
Type Title Year
Master thesis project Graph Convolutional Branch and Bound 2024

Contact Me

If you have an offer, opportunity or something that might interest me, please e-mail me.
I will only respond to proposals that match my interests and schedule.